The Results of Research and Development Project: Mobile Driller. Immediate Provision of Information to The Employees at a Drilling Site (Russian)


Anton Andreev (ITSK) | Mikhail Zimoglyad (Gazpromneft-Yamal) | Aleksei Gorbunov (Gazpromneft-Yamal) | Rafael Sharipov (Gazpromneft-Yamal) | Vladimir Nagovitsin (Gazpromneft-Yamal) | Vitalii Chuikov (Gazpromneft-Yamal) | Petr Kugatov (ITSK) | Anton Stelmashuk (ITSK) | Nikolay Abaltusov (Weatherford)


SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers

Publication Date

October 22, 2019


SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference, 22-24 October, Moscow, Russia

Paper ID



"Mobile Driller" is a part of "Digital Drilling" IT Project aimed at developing and implementing IT solutions, which make it possible to plan, assess and analyze the operations in the process of well construction and response to deviations in real time.

The main target of "Mobile Driller" Project is to find the solutions for immediate provision of the drilling rig employees with information. The project implementation resulted in a set of technologies (audio, video equipment, warning panels, etc.) for operation under real climate conditions of Far North and a completed prototype of the system for informing the employees.

The market of the available hardware solution models was analyzed to develop a set of technologies. The possibility to use in the areas of explosive hazardous atmosphere was taken into account when selecting the models.

The selected equipment package was assembled and tested at a drilling site in Novoportovskoye oil-gas condensate field.

The testing was conducted at temperatures from −39°C to +24°C;

Thirteen equipment usage algorithms were implemented for four types of the employees: supervisor, toolpusher, driller and driller's assistant.

The feedbacks from the users were recorded by means of check-lists and individual interviews.

The list of recommendations was drawn up based on the testing results.

The following results were obtained in the process of the Research and Development Project implementation:

The algorithms were developed to inform drilling rig employees about current status of implementation and changes of a drilling plan, upcoming operations, performance indicators, revealed deviations and critical situations;

The optimal means for warning/informing the employees were selected: videowalls, smartphones, tablet computers, fitness bands, visual signal devices, hard buttons, wired and wireless headsets, AR/VR devices;

the prototype of the system was developed to control all the devices and implement information provision algorithms.

The tests at the drilling site of Novoportovskoye oil-gas condensate field revealed that the equipment was operating consistently under real climate conditions, which include low temperatures (below −40° C) and precipitation.

The drilling rig employees evaluated every algorithm and equipment. Based on the evaluation results it was determined that the system allows to effectively communicate the information to the employee thereby reducing the information delivery time and improving the response rate.

Based on the project implementation results the objective information about possibilities to use the information provision system under Far North conditions was obtained. Due to "Mobile Driller" the employees are immediately informed about upcoming operations, performance indicators and revealed deviations.