Telemetry Systems

Log data more efficiently via combinable configurations with a minimal number of well entries

These technologies aid operators to log data much more efficiently by enabling fully combinable configurations to meet key objectives with a minimal number of well entries to improve efficiency and reduce cost. Telemetry and surface systems include a range of unique solutions for multiple applications, from Surface Acquisition systems to the high-speed digital (HD) telemetry platform that dramatically increases the data logging capabilities.

Provides shooting voltage and current to all types of downhole detonating devices

ProShooter™ Shooting Panel

Fully compliant with API RP-67 surface system requirements. It is rack-mounted for safely providing shooting voltage and current to downhole detonating devices.

ProShooter Shooting Panel

Allows the reservoir analysis sonde (RAS) to run inverted

HD Crossover for RAS

The Weatherford HD crossovers are used to allow the RAS to run upside down (inverted) as this may be required in some circumstances.

Crossover for RAS

Allows logging tools to be tested on 3 different simulated line lengths

Dummy Logging Cable/Line Simulator

The Weatherford dummy logging cable/line allows logging tools to be tested on 3 different simulated line lengths with 90Ω, 160Ω, and 220Ω representing short, medium, and long mono conductor cable lengths.

Dummy Logging Cable/Line Simulator

Adds support for HD tools to the Scientific Data Systems STIP panel

HD Interface Panel

The Weatherford HD interface panel is a USB device that adds support for HD tools to the Scientific Data Systems STIP.

HD Interface Panel

Provides full support for standard service telemetry

HD Logging Panel

The Weatherford HD logging panel is a complete logging panel providing full support for standard service telemetry. Depth and line tension inputs are provided.

HD Logging Panel

Calibrates and checks tools on surface only

Tool Interface Box – Standard and HD

Tests HD tools using a workstation with Warrior on a workbench or at the surface before deploying tools in a well for memory operations.

Tool Interface Box – Standard and HD

Identifies risk and risk reduction strategies

SMART Planner

Conducts pre-job modeling to help design optimum toolstring design, wire selection, and other operational fundamentals.

Provides data acquisition from tools using PTX and KUSTER telemetry communication protocols.

OPAL Acquisition System Panel

Operates all tools using the ALT/MSI, PTX, and Kuster telemetry communication protocols.

OPAL Acquisition System Panel

Delivers the wireline industry’s most widely used acquisition system

Scientific Data Systems® Warrior™ Well Logging System Panel

The Weatherford Scientific Data Systems STIP provides support for a wide range of products. When fitted with either the HD surface modem or used with the HD interface panel, it provides full support for all legacy Probe products.

Scientific Data Systems Warrior Well Logging System Panel

Displays and records depth and line speed during slick line operations

Geothermal Depth Logger and Encoder

The Weatherford geothermal depth logger operates with either a Quantum™ Quartz, Quantum Piezo, or geothermal pressure and temperature gauges. The encoder is of a high-quality construction with 512 pulses per revolution.

Geothermal Depth Logger and Encoder

Delivers accurate correlation of ballistic services

Gamma Gun - Geiger Muller Tool

Runs with a shooting adapter at the bottom to suit the customer’s choice of gun system, even in the most extreme environments.

Gamma Gun - Geiger Muller Tool

Provides accurate correlation of ballistic services

Gamma Gun - Scintillation Tool

Runs with a shooting adapter at the bottom and operates reliably in the most extreme environments.

Gamma Gun - Scintillation Tool

Provides depth determination, BHP/gradient surveys, sliding sleeve positioning, and fluid movement in producing or injecting wells

IntelleX™ Fast-Sampling PT/CCL Tool

Samples any or all channels at up to 32 samples per second.

IntelleX Fast-Sampling PT/CCL Tool

Provides slickline conveyance services for multiple applications

IntelleX™ Memory Correlation Tool

Samples any or all channels at up to 32 samples per second.

IntelleX Memory Correlation Tool

Monitors rapid pressure changes during downhole explosive operations

IntelleX™ Ultra-Fast Gauge Tool

The Weatherford IntelleX ultra-fast gauge tool is a battery-powered instrument designed to record pressure, temperature, and acceleration data at extremely high sampling rates in order to capture pressure transient events typical of downhole perforating operations.

IntelleX Ultra-Fast Gauge

Allows the user to select the logging input on dual and split drum wireline units

Line Select Panel

Includes a front facing Line A/B toggle switch, is rack-mountable, and includes handles.

Line Select Panel

Provides accurate positioning of ballistic services

Shooting Casing Collar Locator – AES

The Weatherford shooting casing collar locator is used to correlate casing or tubing collars for depth accuracy purposes.

Shooting Casing Collar Locator – AES

Identifies ground wire integrity, stay current, and radio frequency monitoring

Stray Voltage Potential Monitor

Provides the capability of monitoring conditions for API RP 67 requirements.

Stray Voltage Potential Monitor

Provides integrated telemetry and correlation services

Telemetry Gamma Ray and CCL Tool

The Weatherford telemetry gamma ray and CCL is a combined gamma ray and CCL tool with a telemetry control unit which provides a passive measurement of gamma radiation by means of a sodium iodine scintillation detector and identifies changes of metal thickness by means of a collar locator.

Telemetry Gamma Ray and CCL Tool

Provides a passive measurement of gamma radiation and identifies changes of metal thickness by means of a collar locator

Gamma Ray Casing Collar Locator

Controls the collection of data from the tools below and packages it for the transmission to the surface system

Gamma Ray Casing Collar Locator

Adds full telemetry support for all HD tools on standard service electric wireline lengths of up to 30,000 ft

HD Surface Modem – Surface Telemetry Board

Installed into the HD interface panel, HD logging panel or SDS STIP panels and adds full telemetry support for all HD tools on standard service electric wireline lengths of up to 30,000 ft (9,100 m).

HD Surface Modem – Surface Telemetry Board

Serves as a communication adapter between HD and third-party systems

Telemetry Control Unit Protocol Adapter

Allows for the connection and data translation of HD services from HD to third-party systems.

Telemetry Control Unit Protocol Adapter

Provides a mechanical and signal routing connection to third-party toolstrings


Enables the connection of tools with dissimilar mechanical and electrical configurations into a seamless combination


Contact Us About Telemetry Systems

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