Weatherford is marking the products specifically identified under the Product Lines or Business Units below pursuant to 35 USC §287(a) by associating each identified product with one or more US patent(s) that cover or are for use under such patent(s).
If a product is not specifically identified on this website, or is not otherwise marked with a patent number, then it is not currently being so marked. For the purposes of this website, only US patents are listed. However, in most cases each US patent also has various international counterpart patents providing patent coverage in a number of additional countries around the world.
We have a focus on well integrity, safety, and efficiency in every step of your tubular running operations. With more than 60 years of experience and a portfolio ranging from conventional equipment to advanced mechanized rig systems, Weatherford can engineer cost-saving solutions and execute high-quality services to address your unique drilling situation.

Our managed pressure services (MPD) incorporate a number of techniques—including air, underbalanced, and pressurized mud cap drilling—to proactively manage your wellbore pressure profiles. As the industry leader for MPD, Weatherford offers a field-proven portfolio of related technologies that mitigates hazards, minimizes formation damage, and optimizes drilling performance.

Weatherford Artificial Lift Solutions is the full-service engineering resource for maximized energy production. Operators worldwide trust us to build, manage, and support custom infrastructures to overcome unique production obstacles and attain total asset values. We streamline operations and enhance safety through environmentally sound, sustainably economic energy-fulfillment systems. This promise stands on a 25-year legacy of pioneering expertise and the industry's most comprehensive portfolio of leading-edge technology, reliable manufacturing, and supply-chain fulfillment. We are here to empower strategic artificial-lift solutions that add efficiency, flexibility, and responsibility to any hydrocarbon-recovery operation — anywhere.