AADE National Tech Conference & Exhibition

Join us and learn how our innovations solve your challenges

You’re invited to Booth 411 at the AADE National Tech Conference & Exhibition in Midland, Texas, where we will feature solutions to your pressing drilling challenges and learn how our engineered chemicals help you to mitigate drilling hazards, optimize bit performance and cuttings transport, and minimize nonproductive time. 

How to maximize drilling performance and minimize environmental impact 

Our Drilling Fluids allows you to drill faster with a minimal footprint.  

There is no fluid requirement that we can’t meet. We can fulfill most needs with a wide range of drilling, drill-in, and completion fluids. For unique environments, our global labs provide the ultimate in custom fluid systems. From aqueous to specialty systems, our fluids help you to mitigate drilling hazards, optimize bit performance and cuttings transport, and minimize nonproductive time. 

How to mitigate risks for the life of the well 

Our Cementing Systems ensure zonal isolation in any environment for long-term confidence. 

For 75 years, we have innovated systems that help you to achieve reliable wellbore integrity and zonal isolation. As the industry leader in deepwater and unconventional cementing systems, we offer a complete well-integrity portfolio that drives your casing to depth, manages surges, optimizes cement placement, and sets the stage for life-of-well integrity. 

How to boost fracturing safety, effectiveness, and efficiency 

Our Fracturing and Stimulation Chemical products deliver the performance you need to maximize production.  

We offer a complete suite of fracturing fluid systems that address a range of conditions in both conventional and unconventional formations. These systems help you to maximize production while lowering costs, reducing the risk of formation damage, and minimizing environmental impact. 

15 - 16 April 2025

Booth #411
Bush Convention Center
105 North Main Street, Midland TX  79701