Benefits Realized from Implementing Integrated Digital Field Technology in a Sector of Greater Burgan Field of Kuwait
S. F. Desai (Kuwait Oil Company) | M. Pandey (Weatherford) | B. Al-Shammari (Kuwait Oil Company) | N. M. Rane (Kuwait Oil Company) | A. A. Al-Rabah (Kuwait Oil Company) | D. S. Almater (Kuwait Oil Company) | S. Shankhdhar (Weatherford) | R. Jagannathan (Weatherford)
SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers
Publication Date
November 7, 2016
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, 7-10 November, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Paper ID
The Burgan KwIDF technology comprises of instrumentation and infrastructure installed on the wells and production facility to monitor production in real time. Data from wells and production gathering facility is transmitted to the field operations center through SCADA and also to the base collaboration center where it is processed and analyzed within the Burgan KwIDF intelligent daily operations system (i-DO).
The KwIDF system has automated workflows which generate a real time alarm from the raw data based on anomaly detection and exceeding of operational thresholds. Smart dashboards are also provided which processes raw information for quick indication of production losses or gains from wells and associates it with the key change in well or facility parameter. Opportunities for increasing chokes or header changes are proactively presented for compensating losses and increasing production utilizing integrated well and network models with the real time data.
This paper provides insight on the application of integrated digital oil field technology in Burgan field. It shows through actual field examples how real time data integrated with smart automated workflows and intelligent alarms help in improved well diagnostics, enable quick actions to minimize losses, sustain and increase production with effective facility and water management in a collaborative work environment.