Recent Advancements in Temporary Diversion Technology for Improved Stimulation Performance


Mojtaba P. Shahri (Weatherford) | Jian Huang (Weatherford) | Clayton S. Smith (Weatherford) | Francisco E. Fragachán (Weatherford)


SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers

Publication Date

November 7, 2016


Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, 7-10 November, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Paper ID



Temporary fluid diversion using solid particulate systems has been used in several field applications in both conventional (acidizing) and unconventional (fracturing/refracturing) stimulation operations. Besides extensive successful field applications, less attention has been paid to the underlying physics and mathematical modeling of the diversion process. The aim of this study is to propose a comprehensive workflow for designing and optimizing different stages of diversion; i.e., slurry displacement from surface to downhole, sealing and fluid diversion, stimulation efficiency, and corresponding production enhancement. Coupled computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and discrete element method (DEM) numerical simulations are used to better understand the parameters controlling the fluid diversion process. These results are coupled to a 3D fracture simulator for investigating stimulation efficiency and production enhancement corresponding to successful fluid diversion.