Application of Asset Integrated Modeling for Surface Infrastructure Re-Engineering


Maksim Kuznetsov (JSC Slavneft-Megionneftegas) | Semen Igitov (JSC Slavneft-Megionneftegas) | Ivan Yurkov (JSC Slavneft-Megionneftegas) | Artur Aleev (Weatherford LLC) | Igor Klimovich (Weatherford LLC) | Timur Solovyev (Weatherford LLC) | Oleg Zaitcev (Weatherford LLC)


SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers

Publication Date

October 15, 2018


SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference, 15-17 October, Moscow, Russia

Paper ID



The paper describes the stages of developing of an integrated model for the oilfield in Western Siberia. The reason to create the model is the re-engineering of the field infrastructure because of the start of the program for drilling of several new pads. Drilling program is done together with the partial disassembly of the existing infrastructure of the old high water cut wells. Some specific features of work with initial data are presented in the paper. Some new approaches related to software customization are also presented.

The organization of the process of performing calculations is interesting because the software was provided by different vendors, which is typical for almost all companies. The geological and hydrodynamic model was designed by using tNavigator, and the well and surface infrastructure models were designed in Weatherford software complexes - WellFlo and ReO. Integration was carried out by a specially developed software that carried out the transfer of boundary conditions between applications and saved intermediate results in the MS Access database.

To increase the calculation speed and perform a series of calculations for different reengineering scenarios, the integration module is configured to use distributed computing on a supercomputer cluster. The number of software licenses allows user to flexibly use parallel computing and reduce the time to find a joint solution for a partially implicit scheme, bringing the time costs to an explicit calculation scheme.

To process the results and prepare reports, standard office applications that are compatible with the database were used, which made it easier to prepare the final results.

The results of the project show that in the late stages of field operation, key factor in making decisions on investments in the modification of the infrastructure systems (the choice between local injection with the use of local separators and the gas utilization system at gas piston power plants and centralized water pumping in the water injection system) is the ratio of costs for the construction of site facilities and linear objects. If there are prepared sites for placing separators equipment, and the distances from previously built central water pumping systems are significant, reconstruction of obsolete water lines is not profitable.

Also, when making decision to develop local injection system, it is important to take into account if there are significant differences between injection wells, the main of which is injectivity coefficient and, as a consequence, the necessary wellhead pressure.

Performing calculations on an integrated model allows the user to do comprehensive comparison of all scenarios for the development of the field infrastructure. The entire set of calculations is highly automated and upon completion of the calculations, engineers receive data for each production, injection well, the dynamics of reservoir pressures. Individual operation modes of ESP wells and energy consumption of the production system and water injection system are calculated.