Field Development Optimization Through Integrated Geosciences and Engineering Analysis


Agustin Hren (Weatherford Internacional de Argentina) | Victor Ariel Exler (Weatherford Internacional de Argentina) | Horacio Peacock (Weatherford Internacional de Argentina) | Roberto Schmidt (Weatherford Internacional de Argentina) | Marcelo Daniel Pellicer (Pan American Energy LLC) | Lucia Lamberghini (Pan American Energy LLC) | Jorge Gait (Pan American Energy LLC)


SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers

Publication Date

August 14, 2018


SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, 14-16 August, Neuquen, Argentina

Paper ID



Lindero Atravesado field is located in Neuquen, western Argentina. It has been under development since 2012. Originally, its development was focused on conventional formations (Quintuco, Sierras Blancas and Lotena), considering the Punta Rosada and Lajas formations as geological traps. Development is now focused on these traps, especially in the northwest region the field, called the Lindero Atravesado Occidental. Fundamental challenges in the Occidental region of the field include optimum fluid engineering, avoiding shear-sensitive fluid systems, high PAD percentage and safe operational efficiency in deep HPHT wells.

However, original frac designs were optimized through a traditional cycle of design and pressure-matching evaluations using a conventional frac simulator. Obtained fracture geometries were bounded in length and a considerable height growth was observed. Other studies used microseismic, sonic profiles or traceable sands, and showed fractures contained in height and longer fracture lengths than those obtained with the traditional adjusted model.

A fracturing model coupled with microseismic interpretation allowed a better characterization of fracture geometry, vertical covering, effective production fracture length and drainage area efficiency, based on numerical production simulations and matching. The last point will have a direct impact on well spacing and future selection of in-fill locations.

This paper will discuss a fully integrated approach for field planning optimization, starting with geosciences characterization, workover, stimulation and production history matching, with a direct impact on well gridding and estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) per well.