Thailand Joint Development Project Delivers 200°C M/LWD Triple Combo: Eliminating Wireline, Driving World Class Efficiency and Slashing Days Per Well


T. Kleawyothatis (Weatherford KSP Limited) | J. Pruimboom (Weatherford KSP Limited) | S. Dendandome (Chevron Thailand Exploration & Production, LTD) | N. Pisarnbut (Chevron Thailand Exploration & Production, LTD) | P. Thipmongkolsilp (Chevron Thailand Exploration & Production, LTD)


SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers

Publication Date

August 27, 2018


IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition, 27-29 August, Bangkok, Thailand

Paper ID



There is no longer a requirement to run wireline Triple Combo logs in deep, high temperature wells. A joint development project has successfully delivered the world's first high-temperature M/LWD Triple Combo suite rated for 200°C [392°F]. Results to date are compared with previous performance in the Gulf of Thailand (GoT).

The new suite required a ground-up redesign of printed circuit board (PCB) electronics in order to meet the temperature qualification criteria of 200 hours at 200°C [392°F], with a survivability of 210°C [410°F] for four hours. The suite's sensors were developed in two phases, each with four milestones, over a period of 36 months. Initial rigorous thermal qualification was followed by harsh thermal vibration qualification testing routines. Several PCB redesigns were required in order to finally pass this testing. Ultimately, five prototype triple combo suites of tools were delivered to Thailand, on time and on budget, for in-situ field testing.

M/LWD Triple Combo field trials commenced offshore in the GOT, in fields exhibiting some of the global industry's most demanding drilling environments with respect to high rates of penetration [and accompanying punishing levels of vibration], extreme temperatures and significant well complexity. Compared to adjacent platforms with similar wells in the most challenging field, the new suite, together with other drilling efficiency measures, played a pivotal role in helping to reduce average days per well over 50% a considerable improvement. To date, more than 475,000 ft [145,000 m] have now been drilled in 71 GoT wells using this Triple Combo M/LWD technology. Furthermore, the new high-temperature Triple Combo M/LWD tools have been one of several key contributing factors in establishing two notable drilling records: drilling the GoT's longest well at 17,559 ft [5,532 m] and the longest single-bit run in the production section at 8,952 ft [2,729 m], without any failures at a maximum temperature of 199°C [391°F]. The suite provides additional benefits such as the provision of real-time annular pressure while drilling.

With this feature, engineers can closely monitor the equivalent circulating density (ECD) an important parameter for avoiding kicks and losses at up to 200°C [392°F].

The proven step change in drilling efficiency arising from this joint development can be attributed to the elimination of temperature mitigation measures and Triple Combo wireline logging, the problems associated with acquiring the wireline data, and an overall improvement in drilling practices.