Re Multi Fracturing with Flow Diverter


Marat Rimovich Amirov (Weatherford) | Rifat Maratovich Kuzakhmedov (Weatherford) | Aleksey Aleksandrovich Boroday (Novatek) | Ivan Gennadyevich Kashtanov (Novatek) | Alexander Victorovich Yazkov (Novatek) | Vladimir Vladimirovich Solovyev (Novatek Scientific and Technical Center) | Andrey Sergeevich Butkeev (Arcticgas) | Petr Ilyich Eliseev (Novatek Scientific and Technical Center) | Aleksandr Nikolaevich Bagaev (Novatek Scientific and Technical Center) | Ivan Sergeevich Fomin (Weatherford) | Georgiy Evgenievich Fedorov (Weatherford) | Ruslan Rafailovich Bakirov (Weatherford) | Mikhail Vladimirovich Fomin (Weatherford) | Francisco E. Fragachan (Weatherford) | Cristian M. Rodriguez Cruz (Weatherford) | Mohammed Omer (Weatherford) | Mikhail Vladimirovich Brendin (Weatherford) | Denis Sergeevich Trofimov (Weatherford)


SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers

Publication Date

September 22, 2020


SPE Symposium: Hydraulic Fracturing in Russia. Experience and Prospects, 22-24 September, Virtual

Paper ID



As of today, there are various methods of repeated multistage fracturing. Mostly, they are associated with the involvement of coil tubing and well workover services. These are assemblies with opening and closing frac sleeves, small-sized packers, twin packers, CT packers… All the methods are extremely costly in economic terms, the full operation cycle takes a long time and is associated with a high risk of hazards.

The above methods have an alternative that is not widely used. An alternative and universal method for the repeated MSF is a mechanical, degradable flow diverter. The diverter is a 2-component powder consisting of 7 and 100 mesh particles that can isolate the required open area in the wellbore.

The diverter has an extensive scope of application: it can be used for MSF in several vertical well zones, for MSF in wells with slotted liner completions, for repeated MSF in wells with sliding frac sleeves both in a blind version and with the use of a CT packer. It can be used for additional stimulation of missed, non-activated sleeves in sliding frac sleeve assemblies, as well as for the restoration of circulation, as temporary casing patches, etc.

The basic technology does not require any services in addition to hydraulic fracturing. It is also important to mention that it is completely soluble downhole, which means that additional expenditures for well completion after its use are not required.

In April 2020, the company performed repeated MSF using this flow diverter as a pilot job. As a result of the MSF, the well flow significantly exceeded the expected design values.

Prior to the MSF with a flow diverter, the well wireline logging was performed to determine the flow profile. After performing 3 fracturing stages, a repeated wireline logging confirmed the formation of new fractures in the new zones not stimulated previously.

By virtue of the fact that in these days the drilling rates have been significantly reduced, an urgent need to increase the flow rate of the existing wells appears. That is why high-quality, rapid and accessible repeated fracturing technology has great prospects and promises to become very popular among operators.