MPD Cement Squeeze – The Advantage of Using Managed Pressure Drilling to Strip in Hole, Perform a Cement Squeeze and Confirm the Loss Zone is Isolated


Clayton Hester; Mohamed Hammad; Landon Hollman; Oscar Gabaldon; Julian Hernandez; Angel Hernandez


SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers

Publication Date

March 1, 2022


IADC/SPE International Drilling Conference and Exhibition, Galveston, Texas, USA, March 2022

Paper ID



The objective of this paper is to show the advantage of utilizing Surface Back Pressure (SBP) to control the gain and loss of mud while stripping in/out of the well, during recovery from a high mud loss event. The use of the MPD system assisted in performing a cement squeeze while minimizing the risk of stuck pipe, and subsequently confirming if the loss zone has been isolated. In the Shafag Asiman field of the Caspian Sea, a Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) system was installed on a semi-submersible rig to drill an exploration well with uncertain pore pressure and fracture gradient window. While drilling the 14 3/4 × 17 1/2 in. section, losses were initially detected by the MPD systems Coriolis meter. Once total losses were confirmed, the decision was made to cement the loss zone and perform an open hole sidetrack.

This paper provides a summary of how the MPD technology was used to assist in managing gains/losses during a post mud loss event, and its vital role in minimizing the risk of stuck pipe when performing the cement squeezes to isolate the loss zone and subsequently balanced plug which enabled a successful open hole sidetrack, and minimized the number of operational days and carbon emissions.