Optimization of Mud Cap Design for Tripping Operations and its Application in Challenging HPHT MPD Wells: Case Histories from Pakistan


Shoaib Muhammad; Qasim Ashraf; Umair Ahmed Baig


OTC - Offshore Technology Conference

Publication Date

March 18, 2022


Offshore Technology Conference Asia, Virtual and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 2022

Paper ID



Growing reliance and new technologies have significantly optimized the drilling operations; un-drillable wells become drillable now. We strive to increase drilling efficiency, whether managed pressure drilling (MPD) or conventional drilling operations. Designing an MPD operation inherits multiple challenges and requires the evaluation of numerous parameters. These include bottom hole pressure management, tripping, cementing, logging & completion operations. However, this paper only describes how the tripping processes can be optimized using effective mud cap design in very narrow window HP/HT MPD wells.

Constant bottom hole MPD (CBH-MPD) is one of the extensively used variants of MPD around the globe. In CBH-MPD, Surface backpressure is the differentiating factor added to keep the bottom hole pressure (BHP) constant in static and dynamic conditions. A close-loop is necessary to attain this control on the annulus pressure with specialized equipment, including effective sealing around the drill string and choking the return flow. The sealing is only effective against the smooth surfaces; hence, one of the most significant challenges in MPD operations arises: having a constant BHP in case of pull out to the surface. If the downhole isolation valve (DIV) is deployed, the well can be shut on it. However, if a DIV is not available, the well can be balanced by designing an effective mud cap keeping the available trip margins.