Interpretation and Evaluation Services
Gain insight into your reservoir with intuitive answer products
We evaluate petrophysical and geomechanical data to help you identify threats to wellbore integrity, detect thief zones, and determine targets. Our extensive portfolio of answer products includes high-resolution borehole image interpretation, acoustic slowness and geomechanical applications, petrophysical analysis, and well-integrity issue identification.
Track and characterize behind-the-casing fluids
Cased-Hole Petrophysics Interpretation
Our petrophysical analysts determine the type, location, and amounts of oil, gas, and water behind the casing. These answer products guide reservoir-development decisions and help to maintain optimal production.

Visualize your subsurface with clear borehole imaging
Geological Interpretation
Using patented processing techniques and unique workflows, our geologists create detailed borehole images of complex structures, fracture networks, and sedimentology and then interpret their impact on future well productivity.

Transform openhole data into a valuable production guide
Openhole Petrophysics Interpretation
From quick-look qualitative evaluations to complex quantitative reservoir analyses, our experienced experts deliver a complete petrophysical survey, including formation porosity, saturations, permeability, and mineral component volumes.

Identify threats before they become a problem
Well Integrity Interpretation
Our proprietary well-integrity analysis software and workflows diagnose casing and cement issues, confirm the extent of any damage, and recommend the most effective remediation strategy for your well.
Real Results in USA
LWD and IES petrophysical support services obtained high-quality image data to identify fractures in a horizontal shale well drilled with oil-based mud (OBM). The operator was able to reduce completion costs by 10 to 20% per well, ultimately saving a total of $1.5 million.

Real Results in USA
GAPS was able to identify the source of gas to enable effective remediation of leaks in an onshore gas-storage well. The vent flow repair service saved an estimated $150,000 by preventing additional repair attempts in the wrong well.