Sonic Logging

Acquire acoustic data while drilling

We provide reliable, high-quality acoustic data. Our industry-leading sonic tools and experienced LWD engineers can help you to correlate seismic time-versus-depth measurements, determine porosity, and understand the mechanical state of the rock. Our sonic tools produce real-time compressional and shear wave measurements with downhole processing capabilities, and our optional azimuthal sonic service provides borehole imaging and shear-wave anisotropy data.

Receive quality acoustic data in all hole sizes

Sonic Logging

With a robust, industry-leading transmitter, the ShockWave sonic LWD tool provides reliable, real-time data in a wide range of downhole conditions.


Acquire total sonic measurements and azimuthal borehole images

Azimuthal Sonic Logging

Our CrossWave® azimuthal sonic tool provides 16-sector compressional and shear wave measurements, as well as 360˚ sonic borehole images.

Azimuthal Sonic Logging

Submit your details to hear more

How can we help you acquire acoustic data while drilling? Please fill in the form below, and we’ll reach out to you soon.