Critical Well Control
Access pressure-control services when and where you need them
From planning for difficult wells to responding to catastrophic blowouts, we can help you to take charge of pressure control. Our experienced WellCat® team helps you to identify and address potential issues before drilling starts or to respond to well-control situations in progress. The team draws from a large inventory of specialized, certified equipment that meets OEM specifications, API standards, and regional regulatory requirements.
Our well-control specialists are always on call.
1 (800) WELLCAT or
1 (800) 935-5228
Depend on our specialized field services anywhere in the world
Snubbing Services
Snubbing in critical well situations leaves no room for error. Our qualified and experienced technicians deploy quickly and specialize in extreme snubbing environments including geothermal wells and wells with high pressures and high concentrations of H2S and CO2.