Reduces workovers by quickly regaining control of inoperative subsurface safety valves
- Shifting or exercising the "flow tube" in a safety valve
Features and Benefits
- Long slips for controlled load distribution
- Full radial coverage (FRC) slip design
- Available to suit any safety valve
- Brings stuck safety valves back to working order
- Can save replacing safety valve
- Simple operation eliminates the need for specialist personnel
Tool Description
The Weatherford flow tube exercising tool (FTET) is a wireline deployed tool for the purpose of shifting or exercising the internal subsurface safety valve (SSSV) flow tube when normal hydraulic actuation has failed.
In the event of debris or scale inhibiting flow tube movement, the FTET uses the existing nipple profile no-go within the tubing retrievable sub-surface safety valve (TRSSSV) to accurately position the slips at the preferred location within the flow tube.
The tool is then initiated by gently jarring down, enabling the flow tube to be exercised in the desired direction, either up or down, depending on tool configuration.
To release from the flow tube, jarring in the appropriate direction locks the tool out so that it no longer grips the inside of the flow tube, enabling retrieval to surface.
Direction | Safety Valve Seal Bore Size (in./mm) | No-Go Size (in./mm) | No-Go to Slip Length (in./m) |
Up | 1.875 in. (4.76 mm) | 1.91 in. (48.5 mm) | 35.89 in. (0.91 m) |
Up | 2.312 in. (57.7 mm) | 2.34 in. (59.4 mm) | 29.74 in. (7.75 m) |
Down | 2.812 in. (71.4 mm) | 2.86 in. (72.6 mm) | 23.58 in. (0.59 m) |
Up | 2.812 in. (71.4 mm) | 2.86 in. (72.6 mm) | 28.71 in. (0.72 m) |
Up | 2.812 in. (71.4 mm) | 2.86 in. (72.6 mm) | 23.58 in. (0.58 m) |
Up | 2.812 in. (71.4 mm) | 2.86 in. (72.6 mm) | 26.66 in. (0.67 m) |
Down | 3.813 in. (96.9 mm) | 3.843 in. (97.6 mm) | 25.64 in. (0.65 m) |
Up | 3.813 in. (96.9 mm) | 3.843 in. (97.6 mm) | 32.81 in. (0.83 m) |
Up | 3.813 in. (96.9 mm) | 3.843 in. (97.6 mm) | 59.15 in. (1.50 m |
Down | 3.813 in. (96.9 mm) | 3.843 in. (97.6 mm) | 59.15 in. (1.50 m |
Down | 4.125 in. (104.8 mm) | 4.149 in. (105.4 mm) | 34.86 in. (0.88 m) |
Up | 4.125 in. (104.8 mm) | 4.149 in. (105.4 mm) | 42.11 in. (1.06 m) |
Down | 4.562 in. (115.9 mm) | 4.61 in. (117.1 mm) | 48.12 in. (1.22 m) |
Up | 4.562 in. (115.9 mm) | 4.61 in. (117.1 mm) | 48.12 in. (1.22 m) |

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