Protects seal bore surfaces within safety valves during well intervention
- Protects safety valve “seal bores” from well intervention wear
- Prevents accidental safety valve “closing” during wireline operations
Features and Benefits
- Manufactured to suit customer requirements slips for controlled load distribution
- Protects seal bores from intervention wear
- Prevents accidental closing of safety valve on wireline
- Simple deployment and retrieval eliminate the need for specialist personnel
Tool Description
The Weatherford safety valve protection sleeve (SVPS) protects seal bore surfaces within safety valves during well intervention. The SVPS also prevents the flapper from closing on the wireline.
Collet Protection Sleeve
- Additional advantage of snap-in collet fingers while providing maximum through bore

Lock-in Sleeve
- Designed to locate in position with a no-go
- Incorporates positive engagement collet fingers to hold securely in position

Drop-off Sleeve
- Conveyed by incorporating a specific running tool in the intervention toolstring
- Allows protection sleeve to be located and retrieved during a single run
- Saves time and reduces risk by eliminating additional trips in hole
- Can run on E-line applications

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