Real Results

Performance By The Numbers

AlphaST Enables Openhole Sidetrack

Drills 25-ft, Full-Gauge Wellbore within Highly Compressive Formation in Single Trip Allowing Drilling Operations to Resume


  • Re-enter wellbore to allow an openhole sidetrack after milling an existing 7-in. (177.8 mm) liner.
  • Create an 8-3/8 in. (212.73 mm) openhole sidetrack at 10,715 ft (3,266 m) in a single trip.
  • Provide a clean transition from the main wellbore to the sidetrack bore to allow the operator immediate deployment of the drilling bottomhole assembly (BHA).

Our Approach

  • After milling 572 ft (174.35 m) of the liner, the operator contacted Weatherford to explore openhole-sidetrack options that would avoid a known, shallow fluid-loss zone.
  • Weatherford re-entry specialists recommended the AlphaST openhole sidetrack system with its next-generation, hydraulic slip-type anchor and PDC drill bit as the ideal choice to successfully execute the sidetrack in a single trip.
  • Weatherford re-entry services quickly prepared and dispatched the AlphaST whipstock system and personnel to the rigsite. After the wellbore-preparation and caliper-log runs were performed, AlphaST was deployed to target depth.
  • Following gyro orientation, the whipstock was set and sidetrack bore was drilled with the AlphaST openhole PDC drill bit in a single trip. Upon completion, the bit and all mills were determined to be in full gauge, allowing the operator to slide past the whipstock using a rotary-steerable BHA—thus continuing drilling operations.

Value to Customer

  • A full-gauge transition from the main wellbore to the sidetrack hole was achieved, allowing the operator to quickly resume drilling operations with a rotary-steerable system (RSS) as planned.
  • The AlphaST openhole sidetrack system enabled the operator to work through multiple tight spots, set the whipstock with hydraulic slip-type anchor, and drill 25 ft. of new hole—all in a single trip.


Saudi Arabia

Well Type

Onshore, gas


Sandstone (21 ksi)

Hole Size

8-3/8 in. (212.73 mm)

Hole Angle

Casing Size/Type

9-5/8 in. (244.5 mm), 58.4#, TN2


10,715 ft (3,266 m)


AlphaST single-trip openhole sidetrack system

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