Real Results

Performance By The Numbers

ForeSite® Edge

Leverages High-Frequency Data and Autonomous Control to Boost Production 38%


  • Improve well economics on 7 reciprocating rod-lift (RRL) wells in a mature, conventional field by capturing well dynamic conditions using high-frequency data and autonomous control.

Our Approach

  • Retrofit ForeSite Edge to the existing automation equipment to enable optimization locally at the wellsite while leveraging the ForeSite production optimization platform.
  • Once deployed, ForeSite Edge utilized high-frequency data collection in real-time to provide key measurements.
  • Autonomous control logics (ACL) developed by Weatherford for standard operating rod-lift wells were implemented to optimize key performance operating parameters to further enhance production optimization opportunities.

Value to Customer

  • ForeSite Edge delivered end-to-end digital capabilities on all 7 RRL wells, increased production by 38%, and improved ROI during the pilot period.
  • By recognizing new patterns through the insights gained from utilizing high-frequency data collection, the customer was able to gain a deeper understanding of well behaviors, aiding in future decision-making regarding the wells.
  • After the success of the pilot period, the customer advanced to the next phase of expansion by deploying ForeSite Edge on 200 wells.


Southeast Asia

Well Type

Reciprocating rod-lift (RRL)




ForeSite Edge Boosts Production 38% Indonesia

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