Real Results

Performance By The Numbers

ForeSite® Injection Rate Optimization

and Gas Lift Analysis Achieves 25% Higher Production, a $1.2M Reduction in OPEX


  • Enhance production through continuous real-time gas injection rate optimization and provide gas lift optimization recommendations.
  • Improve personnel efficiency with real-time data monitoring, reduce wellsite visits, and support remote well management.
  • Work within available gas lift constraints.

Our Approach

  • An optimization analysis that included comprehensive downhole configuration data, deviation surveys, perforation intervals, static reservoir pressure, allocated production data, as well as oil, gas, and water gravities was conducted.
  • Wells were ranked by additional MSCF injected versus potential additional oil production and then split into groups for optimization.
  • From the assessment, changes in the gas injection rate (Qgi) were recommended to optimize well production.

Value to Customer

  • ForeSite enhanced production by optimizing the gas-injection rate in 27 out of 88 wells. An increase in oil production was observed and resulted in 211 STB oil incremental gain, equating to a 47,000 BBL increase within the first 12 months.
  • The customer saved approximately $1.2M in OPEX after implementing ForeSite due to a reduction in personnel having to identify well problems, expedite well-trends troubleshooting with gas lift diagnostics, and make recommendations to improve well performance.


Texas, USA



Well Type

Gas lift


Gas lift optimization case study shows 47,000 BOPD gain in the first 12 months.

Contact Weatherford

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