Jet-Pump Systems
Enhance production and profitability with long-lasting, low-maintenance lift
Jet-pump systems can help to optimize artificial-lift operations and reduce costs across every production stage over the life of your unconventional wells. Whether accelerating your frac-fluid recovery from the wellbore or delivering consistent liquid flow in both oil and gas wells, jet pumps are deployed and retrieved without a rig and are well suited for a wide range of applications.
Pair powerful productivity with next-generation intelligence
Centrifugal Jet Pumps
By integrating two robust and low-maintenance technologies—horizontal pumping system (HPS) and hydraulic jet pumps—with unmatched production intelligence, Weatherford elevates hydraulic jet-lift to a precision science.

Boost production in high-backpressure wells without expensive workovers
Surface Jet Pump
The longer you can sustain high initial flow rates by taking advantage of natural reservoir energy, the better. Weatherford surface jet pumps help you to do exactly that while reducing CAPEX.

Real Results in Iraq
Weatherford installed and tested a jet-pump lifting system without pulling the existing completion. The pump achieved the target production rate of 5,000 BOPD (795 m3/d oil) during a 5-day test period.