May 22, 2017 /
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/ by CygNet Blog Admin
In preparation for WESC, I had to configure four identical CygNet hosts for redundancy. Doing the same thing four times didn’t sound like a lot of fun so I decided to write a powershell script! This is in no way supported or official, but it might help some of you out whenever you find yourself needing to spin up a new CygNet server or configure an existing one for redundancy. If starting from scratch, you will need to install CygNet via the setup program to get the baseline, and then this script will configure the server to be redundant. Specifically it will create multiple ARS/RSM service pairs that are properly configured. For those of you not doing redundancy, you can tweak it to mass modify your config files with specific values or add nonstandard services to your site.
I make no guarantee these techniques will work in perpetuity, but I can say they were at least tested with the 8.5.1 release and I can think of no reason why they wouldn’t work with the previous few releases. Hopefully it’s helpful, but I make no promises. If you have any questions or find a problem, feel free to comment and I’ll try to respond.
# 1) Directory contains a single ARS and RSM service directory
# 2) RSM service is currently configured to own the single ARS
# 0) If on a host already running CygNet, skip to step #5
# 1) Disable UAC. (Can by done by running this powershell command):
# Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system -Name EnableLUA -Value 0 -Force;
# 2) Install CygNet
# 3) Start site
# 4) Once Host Manager shows a "RUNNING" status, stop the site
# 5) Remove installed site from Host Manager
# 6) Edit the variables in this script.
# 7) Run script
# 8) Add all the created RSM services to Host Manager
# 9) Start sites
#Configurable variables
$ServicesDir = "c:\cygnet\services"
$SiteName = "CYGNET" #This must match the site name you used in the setup program
$RedundantRSM = "RSM_CLP" #Service name of redundant RSM
$SvcPortBase = 6090 #Base SVC_PORT value to use for new non-redundant RSM services
$AssociatedAUD = "[5410]BASTION.AUD"
$AssociatedELS = "[5410]BASTION.ELS"
$NonRedundantPairs = @(
(new-object psobject -Property @{rsm="RSMLP1";ars="ARSLP1";arslicensemaster=$false})
(new-object psobject -Property @{rsm="RSMLP2";ars="ARSLP2";arslicensemaster=$false})
(new-object psobject -Property @{rsm="RSMLP3";ars="ARSLP3";arslicensemaster=$false;domain=5413})
) #Always include service name for non-redundant rsm/ars pairs (Whether there are two or three). Include 'domain' property only for pair running on ambient domain of this host. There should always be only one
##### Example:
#$tokens = @((new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="REPL_SOURCE";value="[5410]CYGNET.ACS";disabled=$false}))
#UpdateConfigFile c:\cygnet\services\acs.cfg $tokens
function UpdateConfigFile([string]$file, $tokens)
(Get-ChildItem $file) |
Foreach-Object {
(Get-Content $_.FullName) |
Foreach-Object {
$line = $_
$tokens | % {
if ($line -like ($_.keyword + "*") -or $line -like ("#" + $_.keyword + "*"))
if ($line -match ("(?<flag>[#]?)" + $_.keyword + "(?<spaces>\s*)(?<value>.*)"))
$value = $matches["value"]
if ($_.psobject.Properties.Name -contains "value" -eq $true)
$value = $_.value
elseif ($_.psobject.Properties.Name -contains "find" -eq $true -and $_.psobject.Properties.Name -contains "replace" -eq $true)
$value = $matches["value"] -replace $_.find, $_.replace
if ($_.psobject.Properties.Name -contains "disabled" -eq $false)
$line = $matches["flag"] + $_.keyword + $matches["spaces"] + $value
elseif ($_.disabled -eq $true)
$line = "#" + $_.keyword + $matches["spaces"] + $value
$line = $_.keyword + $matches["spaces"] + $value
$line #Push the line back through the pipe
} | Set-Content $_.FullName
##### Example:
#$tokens = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
#FindAndReplace "C:\test.txt" $tokens
function FindAndReplace([string]$file, [System.Collections.ArrayList]$tokens)
(Get-ChildItem $file) |
Foreach-Object {
(Get-Content $_.FullName) |
Foreach-Object {
foreach ($element in $Tokens)
if ($element -ne "")
$tmp = $element.split("#")
$_ = ($_ -replace $tmp[0], $tmp[1])
$_ #Push the line back through the pipe
} | Set-Content $_.FullName
cd $ServicesDir
#Verify input
if ((Get-ChildItem | ? {$_.Name -match "RSM" -or $_.Name -match "ARS"}).Count -ne 2)
Write-output "Directory appears malformed"
#Generate non-redundant RSM/ARS pairs
$NonRedundantPairs | % { Copy-Item RSM $_.rsm -recurse; Copy-Item ARS $_.ars -recurse }
remove-item "ARS" -recurse
### Update ARS config files
$NonRedundantPairs | % {
$tokens = @(
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="BACKUP_PATH";find="\\ARS";replace="\$($_.ars)"})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="SERVICE";value="$SiteName.$($_.ars)"})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="LICENSE_MASTER";value=(@{$true="YES";$false="NO"}[$_.arslicensemaster]);disabled=$false})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="REDUNDANT";disabled=$true})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="AUD";disabled=$false;value=$AssociatedAUD})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="ELS";disabled=$false;value=$AssociatedELS})
UpdateConfigFile "$($_.ars)\Ars.cfg" $tokens
### Update ARS ServiceDefs files
$NonRedundantPairs | % {
$ServiceDefsFile = Get-ChildItem $_.ars | ? { $_.Name -like "ServiceDefs.*.db" }
if ($ServiceDefsFile.Count -eq 0)
Write-output "Failed to add services to " $_.ars
$data = (Get-content $ServiceDefsFile[0].FullName -encoding byte)
$ServiceDefsFile | Remove-item
if ($_.psobject.Properties.Name -contains "domain" -eq $true)
$path = "$ServicesDir\$($_.ars)\ServiceDefs.$($_.domain).db"
new-item $path | out-null
$br = New-Object System.IO.BinaryWriter([System.IO.File]::Open($path, [System.IO.FileMode]::Create))
$br.Write($data, 4, ($data.length-4))
### Update non-redundant RSM config files
$SvcPortIndex = 0
$NonRedundantPairs | % {
$tokens = @(
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="BACKUP_PATH";find="\\RSM";replace="\$($_.rsm)"})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="SERVICE";value="$SiteName.$($_.rsm)"})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="SVC_PORT";value=$SvcPortBase + $SvcPortIndex++})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="RSM_NAME";value=$_.rsm})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="REDUNDANT";disabled=$true})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="AUD";disabled=$false;value=$AssociatedAUD})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="ELS";disabled=$false;value=$AssociatedELS})
UpdateConfigFile "$($_.rsm)\Rsm.cfg" $tokens }
### Update non-redundant RSM service defs
$NonRedundantPairs | % {
$rsmName = $_.rsm
$arsName = $_.ars
$xml = New-Object -TypeName XML
$xml.rsmdata.servicedefs.SelectNodes("//servicedef") | ? { $_.service -notmatch "ARS" } | % {$_.ParentNode.RemoveChild($_) | out-null }
$xml.rsmdata.servicedefs.SelectNodes("//servicedef") | ? { $_.service -match "ARS" } | % {
$_.service = $_.service -replace "ARS", $arsName;
$_.exedir = $_.exedir -replace "ARS", $arsName;
$_.datadir = $_.datadir -replace "ARS", $arsName }
### Rename redundant RSM
Rename-Item RSM $RedundantRSM
### Update redundant RSM config file
$tokens = @(
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="BACKUP_PATH";find="\\RSM";replace="\$RedundantRSM"})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="SERVICE";value="$SiteName.$RedundantRSM"})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="RSM_NAME";value=$RedundantRSM})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="REDUNDANT";value="TRUE";disabled=$false})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="AUD";disabled=$false;value=$AssociatedAUD})
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="ELS";disabled=$false;value=$AssociatedELS})
UpdateConfigFile "$RedundantRSM\Rsm.cfg" $tokens
### Update redundant RSM service defs
$xml = New-Object -TypeName XML
$xml.rsmdata.servicedefs.SelectNodes("//servicedef") | ? { $_.service -match "ARS" } | % {$_.ParentNode.RemoveChild($_) | out-null }
### Enable redundancy for remaining services
Get-ChildItem | ? { ($NonRedundantPairs | % { $_.rsm}) -notcontains $_.Name -and ($NonRedundantPairs | % { $_.ars}) -notcontains $_.Name } | Get-ChildItem -recurse | ? { $_.Name -like "*.cfg" } | % {
$tokens = @(
(new-object psobject -Property @{keyword="REDUNDANT";value="TRUE";disabled=$false})
UpdateConfigFile $_.FullName $tokens }
### Update site name for all config files (If using default of XXX)
$tokens = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
get-childitem -recurse |? {$_.Extension -eq ".cfg"} | % { FindAndReplace $_.FullName $tokens }
Write-output "Done"
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