July 29, 2015 /
1 comments / in
/ by Walter Goodwater
Scripting in CygNet is great…when it works.
Debugging script issues in Studio (especially without a just-in-time debugger like Microsoft’s Visual Studio) is like a game of Battleship: “Is there a bug at B9? No? OK, let’s try a MsgBox at H2…” And don’t get me started once you have to deal with Nested Views.
But even worse is debugging script issues in the HSS. That’s like playing a game of Battleship while blindfolded, ten miles from your opponent, and you can only make your guesses via Morse code. And did I mention your opponent can move the ships around? It’s enough to make HSS and VBScript (and maybe CygNet for that matter) four-letter words in many a SCADA admin’s vocabulary.
Maybe we can help.